I'm developing a web based filemanager and it should of course be able to
read network shares inside our company.
Everything works fine when I use basic authentication. But because we are
planning to implement ADFS, we will only get to use Windows authentication
(as far as I can understand).
I have started to test Kerberos delegation and it works fine as long as the
network resource is in the same domain as the application. But since we have
multiple domains and fileservers spread accross them, we runt into problems.
With constrained delegation we can only delegate access throug one domain.
How do I access the network resources outside the domain the application
resides in?
We are using a Windows 2003 Forest and Windows 2003 R2 servers.
I'm developing a web based filemanager and it should of course be able to
read network shares inside our company.
Everything works fine when I use basic authentication. But because we are
planning to implement ADFS, we will only get to use Windows authentication
(as far as I can understand).
I have started to test Kerberos delegation and it works fine as long as the
network resource is in the same domain as the application. But since we have
multiple domains and fileservers spread accross them, we runt into problems.
With constrained delegation we can only delegate access throug one domain.
How do I access the network resources outside the domain the application
resides in?
We are using a Windows 2003 Forest and Windows 2003 R2 servers.