I have an access program the database is done trough linked tables to sql
Now i have a code that used to work for access database however it does not work through the linked tables to sql
code is ike thi
Dim db As DAO.Databas
Set db = CurrentD
db.Execute "UPDATE trailer SET locatie = 'Belgie' WHERE trailernr = '" & Me.trailer & "'", dbFailOnErro
db.Execute "UPDATE trailer SET datum = '" & Me.ARRIVAL & "' WHERE trailernr = '" & Me.trailer & "'", dbFailOnErro
MsgBox trailer & " terug uit GB " & db.RecordsAffected & " .
can anyone tell me what i shoul do to make this work on linked odbc tables in sql
thanks in advanc
I have an access program the database is done trough linked tables to sql
Now i have a code that used to work for access database however it does not work through the linked tables to sql
code is ike thi
Dim db As DAO.Databas
Set db = CurrentD
db.Execute "UPDATE trailer SET locatie = 'Belgie' WHERE trailernr = '" & Me.trailer & "'", dbFailOnErro
db.Execute "UPDATE trailer SET datum = '" & Me.ARRIVAL & "' WHERE trailernr = '" & Me.trailer & "'", dbFailOnErro
MsgBox trailer & " terug uit GB " & db.RecordsAffected & " .
can anyone tell me what i shoul do to make this work on linked odbc tables in sql
thanks in advanc