Brendan Ganning
I am trying to select all the chapters from the chapter table, and
then for each chapter instert a count of how many members are in that
chapter into another table.. Here is the code so far and I have marked
where the error occurs:
Dim Chapter, Month, Year, Count, EndMonth, EndYearAs Integer
Dim strSql, subStrSql As String
Dim rst, subrst, rsnew As New ADODB.Recordset
' This is just saying that the count should be over 2 months
Month = cbo_Month.Value
Year = txt_Year.Value
If Month < 11 Then
EndMonth = Month + 2
EndYear = Year
EndMonth = Month - 10
EndYear = Year + 1
End If
'Setup the RegPrez2 Table
strSql = "Delete * from RegPrez2;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSql
strSql = "INSERT INTO RegPrez2 ( Chapter, Region, State, Category,
Descr )"
strSql = strSql & " SELECT DISTINCT Chapter.Chapter, Chapter.Region,
Chapter.State, Chapter.Category, Chapter.Descr FROM Chapter;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSql
strSql = "Select Chapter from RegPrez2;"
rsnew.Open strSql, CurrentProject.Connection
With rsnew
While Not .EOF
strSql = "SELECT Count(Member.MembNo) AS CurrentCount From
Member WHERE Member.Chapter = """
strSql = strSql & rsnew("Chapter") & """ AND Member.JoinDate <
Datevalue('" & EndMonth & "/01/" & EndYear & "');"
'It Bombs here with object expected I believe
rst.Open strSql, CurrentProject.Connection
subStrSql = "Update RegPrez2 Set CurrentCount = " &
CurrentDb.Execute subStrSql
Set rst = Nothing
End With
Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thank you
then for each chapter instert a count of how many members are in that
chapter into another table.. Here is the code so far and I have marked
where the error occurs:
Dim Chapter, Month, Year, Count, EndMonth, EndYearAs Integer
Dim strSql, subStrSql As String
Dim rst, subrst, rsnew As New ADODB.Recordset
' This is just saying that the count should be over 2 months
Month = cbo_Month.Value
Year = txt_Year.Value
If Month < 11 Then
EndMonth = Month + 2
EndYear = Year
EndMonth = Month - 10
EndYear = Year + 1
End If
'Setup the RegPrez2 Table
strSql = "Delete * from RegPrez2;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSql
strSql = "INSERT INTO RegPrez2 ( Chapter, Region, State, Category,
Descr )"
strSql = strSql & " SELECT DISTINCT Chapter.Chapter, Chapter.Region,
Chapter.State, Chapter.Category, Chapter.Descr FROM Chapter;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSql
strSql = "Select Chapter from RegPrez2;"
rsnew.Open strSql, CurrentProject.Connection
With rsnew
While Not .EOF
strSql = "SELECT Count(Member.MembNo) AS CurrentCount From
Member WHERE Member.Chapter = """
strSql = strSql & rsnew("Chapter") & """ AND Member.JoinDate <
Datevalue('" & EndMonth & "/01/" & EndYear & "');"
'It Bombs here with object expected I believe
rst.Open strSql, CurrentProject.Connection
subStrSql = "Update RegPrez2 Set CurrentCount = " &
CurrentDb.Execute subStrSql
Set rst = Nothing
End With
Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thank you