Access hangs when try to save a form



I am fixing and upgrading an Access 97 db to 2003. So far I have upgraded it
to 2000 and am in the process of fixing syntax errors. I didn't create this
db, so am not really familiar with its details, but am learning about it as I

There are 2 forms that have subforms that when I try to save them, Access
hangs and then I get the 'Access is not responding' message. Are there any
known reasons that this would occur? The db is huge (300 MB due to pics in a
table). I have created a small version (6 MB) with links to the tables and
only the queries. forms, rpts, macros in it but I get the same result, so it
doesn't seem to be a memory problem.

I have Vista and am using Access 2003, with this db as an Access 2000 db.

If I cna't figure this out, I am thinking of powering up my ancient Windows
95 pc which has Access 97 and see if I can save it in that environment, then
export it.

Thank-you in advance for any help/suggestions


You may have a corrupt form (or subform). I would make a backup,
then temporarily remove the subforms from the main forms and try
to save each one separately to try to narrow own which one(s) is
causing the problem. You could then try to replace the offending form
with a copy from an earlier backup. If that doesn't work you could try
the Save As Text / Load From Text method at this link;

Good luck.



There are now 3 forms that do this (I'm hoping no more, I'm on the letter O,
going alphabetically thru the db). The subforms cause no problems on their
own, and I have made fixes to them and saved them fine. I have been able to
fix and save the main forms by putting them in their own database, but now I
just tried to export one back into the main database and I seem to have
corrupted that - after running repair, the main db now has no forms, no
macros or modules. What fun Access is. I have a backup, but wish I had done
one more right before I did the export.

I'll see if the text thing works. Thanks for the link for that

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