As far as I can tell, Access group level security isn't particularly
effective against skilled hackers. The main reason for this is that the
encryption algorithm is supposed to be flawed. I'm not sure of this, but
I've read enough here to at least take the notion seriously. From this
perspective, and because it's a file based db system, I conclude that an
mdb Access database can only be secured to a degree.
However I'm curious if the encryption used for MDE files is as
vulnerable? My understanding is that an MDE simply removes the human
readable source-code, leaving only the lower-level compiled/tokenized
stuff. Can a hacker "restore" the VBA?
A related question, could a hacker somehow manage to get a form in an
MDE into design mode again, after moving it into an MDB? I'm not able to
do this, but I'm not a hacker.
These questions are relevant to my current interest in using Access for
the client end of a client-server setup. The app would be licensed for
distribution to various sites, and I'm trying to see how secure I can
make the front end in Access, to prevent or at least hinder reverse-
effective against skilled hackers. The main reason for this is that the
encryption algorithm is supposed to be flawed. I'm not sure of this, but
I've read enough here to at least take the notion seriously. From this
perspective, and because it's a file based db system, I conclude that an
mdb Access database can only be secured to a degree.
However I'm curious if the encryption used for MDE files is as
vulnerable? My understanding is that an MDE simply removes the human
readable source-code, leaving only the lower-level compiled/tokenized
stuff. Can a hacker "restore" the VBA?
A related question, could a hacker somehow manage to get a form in an
MDE into design mode again, after moving it into an MDB? I'm not able to
do this, but I'm not a hacker.
These questions are relevant to my current interest in using Access for
the client end of a client-server setup. The app would be licensed for
distribution to various sites, and I'm trying to see how secure I can
make the front end in Access, to prevent or at least hinder reverse-