Glad that worked. Someone else may come up with something more elegant but
if not isnull(me.TextboxDate) then
if isnull(me.TheFirstField) then
msgbox "You must enter a ..."
elseif isnull(me.TheSecondField) then
end if
end if
| Thank you , this worked well! I have another question if you could help me
| out. I have a Date field and i would like this field to function the same
| way, ie.. If a date value has been entered then the next 5 fields must be
| completed. Since the date can be a random date and it is not a typical
| or "no" parameter from a combo box, how would i flag the next fields to
| require a value if TextboxDate= a value
| "DebbieG" wrote:
| > Try this in Form's BeforeUpdate
| >
| > If me.married = "yes" then
| > if isnull(me.SpouseName) then
| > msgbox "You must enter a spouse name."
| > me.SpouseName.setfocus
| > elseif isnull(me.DOB) then
| > msgbox "You must enter the Date of Birth."
| > me.DOB.setfocus
| > end if
| > Elseif me.married = "no" then
| > if not isnull(me.SpouseName) then
| > msgbox "Delete the spouse name." or whatever you want to do
| > me.SpouseName.setfocus
| > elseif not isnull(me.DOB) then
| > msgbox "Delete the Date of Birth." or whatever you want to do
| > me.DOB.setfocus
| > end if
| > End If
| >
| > HTH,
| > Debbie
| >
| >
| > | > | How do I Make fields or a field able to be left Null or required based
| > a
| > | prior fields combobox value or a check box selection. For example , if
| > | textbox field Married = yes, then (textbox's, fields) spouse name ,
| > of
| > | birth fields must have values entered , if Married =NO then the fields
| > be
| > | left null or blank and user can submit form.
| >
| >