Access forms and SQL databases

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Bombadill
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Tom Bombadill


Forgive me if this sounds a little elementary to some of you out there, but
is it possible to use Access and Access forms as the front end to input/read
data to/from SQL databases?

I know how to create SQL databases and all I really need is one table with
the list of people and different fields for various comments to be entered
about them.

What I don't know is whether and how I can create an Access interface for
it, which will allow me to read and write data to the table, let me do
searches by different criteria and let me print it also.

Any suggestions or links would be appreciated.
You most certainly can do this with ms-access.

You have two choices:

1) use linked tables (this is odbc).

2) use a ADP proejct

Option #2 actaully is a 100% native connection to sql server. (you have to
use sql server with option #2). When you use the table design tools
etc...behind the are actually sending sql ddl commands to the
server. These ADP projects are 100% server side processing applications, and
no local tables exist ...or are even allowed.

If you database is NOT sql server..then you can use option #1....
Hi Albert,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm intrigued by your option # 2. I'm
going to give it a try. So be prepared for more questions :)