access form



how do i create a query which will pull up a list of matching records. for
ex: If i enter "main street" in the address field it should list all the
records that contain "main street".
then i want to create a form to display this data?

jahoobob via

Create a query using the query wizard. In Design View place the following in
the Criteria of the address field:
Like "*main street*"

Create a form using the form wizard based on the query.


In your query, set the criteria of the address field to:
"*main street*"

Asterisk is a wild card. The front asterisk says main street with 0 to any
number of characters or spaces in front of it. The back asterisk says main
street with 0 to any number of characters or spaces after it.

PC Datasheet
Providing Customers A Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word
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I guess i will rephrase my question. I am creating a reference form with a
text box "address", (this form will refers to a query). when someone enters
main street in that box , that should result in a list of all the addresses
that contain main street.

jahoobob via

In the address field criteria in the query: "*" & [Forms].[formsname].
[textboxname] & "*"
I guess i will rephrase my question. I am creating a reference form with a
text box "address", (this form will refers to a query). when someone enters
main street in that box , that should result in a list of all the addresses
that contain main street.
In your query, set the criteria of the address field to:
"*main street*"
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]

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