Access form overflow



Event "After Update" on a text field (SF) calls a function with several
calculations the results of which are saved to long interger and currency
fields in the database.

This was tested on three machines running XP sp2 and two running 2k with no
problems entering numbers as high as one million in the text field (SF).
Another user running XP sp2 with Access runtime enters 800 in the text field
(SF) and gets an overflow.

The machine has 500m of memory with 220m available. Whay else can I look at?


Without seeing the function code, it's hard to offer an opinion, but why are
you storing calculations in a table when calculating them in a query is
faster than retrieving them, is always accurate, and saves disk space?



I think you may not understand the process. It performs calculations on
multiple variables and stores the result in the database. What I hear you
saying is is would be more effecient to store those values, retrieve them
later and re-calculate the end result than to save and retrieve the result of
the calculation. I am sure I need not explain further.

What I am seeking is an answer to my question about overflow, which I may
have already obtained from a co-worker. It appears that the machine is 16
bit. Before you say anything about my not knowing for sure just be aware the
machine is 800 miles away and we all have busy schedules.

Thanks for reading and commenting to my post anyway.

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