Access Form Help


John Evans


I have a form names Member DetailsUSR

When i open the form, i want to be prompted to insert the value of a form,
and then the record corresponding to the value entered will be displayed.

I managed to achive this, but then forgot how i did it.
There is an image below of what i mean.


I think the easy way to do this is to add a combo box. With the form in
design mode drag a combo box from the tools menu, use the wizard, select the
option, "Find a record on my form based on a value I selected in my Combo

Follow The prompts

Select Fields
Adjust the Widow Size
Name the Combo Label
Press finish

Now you should be presented with a drop down box containing all the records
but you can just type a value in there and providing it is in the list, the
form will return all the details relating to the item selected.



Excellent Tom, I read the article, picked up a couple of tips also.

Kindest Regards

Mike B

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