Remember, we're not discussing continuous forms were the controls are
stacked top to bottom, We're discussing how information in a LISTBOX or
COMBOBOX is displayed.
Yes, I understand that, but my whole point is that we "often" use a
continues form in ms-access in place of a listbox. When we do so, we get
check boxes, combo boxes, and even "edit" buttons. We can also use that
continues form to "select" individual records which in "most" cases is what
list box is used form. So, sure, you taking talking about a listbox, but for
what reason would one not use a continuous form when you need those extra
features you speak of? That is my point. A text box that dispalys two lines
in a continuous forms simply repeats for us.
I am not looking to throw any kind of cold water on your points made here.
At the end of the day the .net environment is a rich and fabulous
development platform. However, you have to pay for that extra time and
The other point is that was important, is that people often refer that
you can't have two continuous forms to model the "many to many" as a
sub-form. (and you pointed this out). I simply pointed out that the simple
act of placing the two continuous forms side by side gives you the same
results And, as I pointed out it only adds one line of code to the whole
Again, I just wanted to point out this is not really a limitation
of access, and again compared to other development products in the
marketplace, access runs absolute circles around other development products
in terms of setting up this type of relation and data modeling of
relationship between two tables on a form. And since these gridds are
true access forms, then we have a huge number of form events such as
before update, after update, before delete, on current etc. This list
of events for a grid contorl is rather large, and the same list for
a standard form, and also means a reduction in the learning curve also.
The other significant point I was making that our continuous forms have ALL
OF the rich form controls that we have at our disposal, so we really have a
great grid control, in many ways better than the flex grid control and most
grid controls in the marketplace today. Any button, check box, combo box,
and now even the new image control will repeat over and over for us, and it
is also data bound for us.
At the end of the day, I'm not trying to compare MS access to
development environment. That would be comparing apples and oranges.
However, on the other hand when you are building screens to edit and work
with data..... access is really a fabulous product to build those data edit
screens, and furthermore it far less work.
A good developer in access will produce applications significantly faster
and with MORE functionality as long as you keep within the restrictions of
the kind of development and interfaces that you need.