Access Errors

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod Horning
  • Start date Start date

Rod Horning

I just installed SP3 for Office 2000. ACCESS reports it
version as 9.0.6926 SP-3. Please see the system info at
the end of this post for other information.

I now receive various errors in ACCESS that I did not
receive before applying SP3. Examples:

-Trying to open a form I receive error message: There
isn't enough memory to perform this operation...

-File not found

-Access ignores requests to open some report forms either
in preview or design mode or both

-Trying to open a report in design mode displays the error
message: There are no registered wizzards for this type.
This message was immediately followed by the message: 3
errors occurredwhen you loaded the form or report. You
loaded a form or report that has controls or properties
the Microsoft Access doesn't recognize and will ignore.

Thank you in advance for any HELP!!

System Information report written at: 02/19/2004 12:16:29
[System Summary]

Item Value
OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name
System Manufacturer IBM
System Model 658841U
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 3
GenuineIntel ~265 Mhz
BIOS Version BIOS Version 0.12.01.DU0M- Beta 1.12
Windows Directory C:\WINNT
System Directory C:\WINNT\system32
Boot Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
Locale United States
User Name Rod
Time Zone Eastern Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 130,612 KB
Available Physical Memory 6,620 KB
Total Virtual Memory 441,428 KB
Available Virtual Memory 123,356 KB
Page File Space 310,816 KB
Page File D:\pagefile.sys