Access displaying HTML

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I have a field of text written in html and stored in a memo field.
instead of displaying in a memo field, i would like to see it
presented as html (as you would in interent explorer)

is there any easy way of doing this?

thanks in advance for your help
Can you set the Text Format property of the text box to Plain Text?

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP.  Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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No, there is no text format property
The property looks like this:

This property exists only in Access 2007 and 2010, but since you did not
have the option to create rich text memo fields before, I'm assuming you are
using one of these versions.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP.  Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

- Show quoted text -

No sorry, im using 2000 :(
The text box built into Access 2000 can't do that. You may be able
to buy an add-in that does it for you, though most of the ones I'm
aware of actually used RTF (Rich Text Format) rather than HTML.

But you can at least use the web browser control to display the HTML
results. It's not editable, but I don't see in the original post
that editibility was required. If it is, A2010 is, indeed, the best