Brian McCarthy
I hope someone can help. I have bought my son two games
for Christmas - Microsoft Age of Mythology and EA SIMCITY
4 Deluxe. I have tried to install them both several
times but on each occasion, once the install is
completed, I get the following message:
Access Denied - Try to login with Administrator
Privileges (or something to that effect).
I have several accounts on my XP computer, and all of
them have administrator privileges. I have tried to
login using the Admin profile in Safe Mode but the result
is still the same. I can find nothing in the Microsft
Knowledge Base to address this, but suspect that I may
have a corrupted Windows configuration. I also have
difficulty installing several critical updates and no
advice from this source I have received to date has
allowed me to resolve that one. I hope I don't have to
scrub my drive and build again from scratch, but I'm
beginning to think that will be my only option. Any
advice gratefully received.
for Christmas - Microsoft Age of Mythology and EA SIMCITY
4 Deluxe. I have tried to install them both several
times but on each occasion, once the install is
completed, I get the following message:
Access Denied - Try to login with Administrator
Privileges (or something to that effect).
I have several accounts on my XP computer, and all of
them have administrator privileges. I have tried to
login using the Admin profile in Safe Mode but the result
is still the same. I can find nothing in the Microsft
Knowledge Base to address this, but suspect that I may
have a corrupted Windows configuration. I also have
difficulty installing several critical updates and no
advice from this source I have received to date has
allowed me to resolve that one. I hope I don't have to
scrub my drive and build again from scratch, but I'm
beginning to think that will be my only option. Any
advice gratefully received.