flinthead said:
I read your post I have recently had some work done on my computer.
Today I created a doc in Word (XP 03) I created anew folder and saved the
doc in the new folder. when I went to open the folder later I was denied
"suer doe not have access privleges"
Where or how do I tell the program that I have privledges????
If you are logged into the computer as user/admin flinthead, then go to
the folder and add a new user account to the folder for flinthead and
set user/flinthead to match the privileges of Administrator
So on the folder as a user because you are a *user* too, you'll have
flinthead (machine-name\flinthead) as a user that can access the folder.
You can use Explore, go to the folder, right-click it, select
Properties, go to the Security tab, Edit button, Add button and add the
flinthead user account to the folder, giving it Full rights.
If you don't see the Security tab, then you can use Google to find out
how to disable Simple File Sharing on Vista to expose the tab.