Please advise me if there is a better forum to address my issues below (possibly an [OT] message board, but related to ACCESS).
As a "newbie" to MS ACCESS 2000 (9.0.6926 SP-3) I have:
* been lurking on this board for several weeks now and have managed to pick up alot of very valuable information, tips, tricks for the "bag of tricks" and WEB LINKS etc. from all of the great expertise given by all of you very patient people here, ... my sincere thanks to ALL OF YOU!!
* not wanted to take up the valuable time of the many members on this list to answer my specific questions
* finally reached my "level of frustration" with all of the "WIZZARDs", "GIZZARDs", "OGARs" etc. that are helping(?) me. I am doing most things from scratch WITHOUT the help of any of the wizzards
* decided that VBA is not for me. I want to code strictly in PC ASSEMBLY language instead of VBA or any other "high level" language. My reason being, if I can write ASSEMBLY CODE, I can do anything and everything I want to in ONE language (plus things the high level languages can't even dream of doing).
My background is almost 40 years of large mainframe experience as an MVS Systems Programmer (for those who don't know, MVS is an OPERATING SYSTEM for mainframes, just like WINDOWs 9x and WINDOWs XP are for PCs). Systems programmers are basically the people who WRITE, SUPPORT and FULLY understand the OPERATING SYSTEM and all of the HARDWARE being used at the LOWEST LEVEL of CODE available, ie. in PURE ASSEMBLY language code (no fancy "high level" stuff like C, C++, VB, COBOL, FORTRAN etc.). Programming in assembly language is sometimes referred to as "programming right down to the "bare metal"" of the hardware because the code written can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that the hardware and/or the operating system can do, including TOTALLY destroying both, believe me, I've done it by accident -( ... most SPs "worth their salt" have also, ... by "pushing the envelope"!!
I would like to do ON EVENT??? ... load some ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CODE.
I have "goggled" and many other searches for things like comp.lang.*, PC assembly language etc. and have not found any useful SITES or message boards from writing PC ASSEMBLY CODE.
Could someone please point me to some good PC assembly links, products, etc.
Please excuse my long winded post, and MANY THANKS in ADVANCE from an "ol' bit-twiddling dinosaur" for any help.
As a "newbie" to MS ACCESS 2000 (9.0.6926 SP-3) I have:
* been lurking on this board for several weeks now and have managed to pick up alot of very valuable information, tips, tricks for the "bag of tricks" and WEB LINKS etc. from all of the great expertise given by all of you very patient people here, ... my sincere thanks to ALL OF YOU!!
* not wanted to take up the valuable time of the many members on this list to answer my specific questions
* finally reached my "level of frustration" with all of the "WIZZARDs", "GIZZARDs", "OGARs" etc. that are helping(?) me. I am doing most things from scratch WITHOUT the help of any of the wizzards
* decided that VBA is not for me. I want to code strictly in PC ASSEMBLY language instead of VBA or any other "high level" language. My reason being, if I can write ASSEMBLY CODE, I can do anything and everything I want to in ONE language (plus things the high level languages can't even dream of doing).
My background is almost 40 years of large mainframe experience as an MVS Systems Programmer (for those who don't know, MVS is an OPERATING SYSTEM for mainframes, just like WINDOWs 9x and WINDOWs XP are for PCs). Systems programmers are basically the people who WRITE, SUPPORT and FULLY understand the OPERATING SYSTEM and all of the HARDWARE being used at the LOWEST LEVEL of CODE available, ie. in PURE ASSEMBLY language code (no fancy "high level" stuff like C, C++, VB, COBOL, FORTRAN etc.). Programming in assembly language is sometimes referred to as "programming right down to the "bare metal"" of the hardware because the code written can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that the hardware and/or the operating system can do, including TOTALLY destroying both, believe me, I've done it by accident -( ... most SPs "worth their salt" have also, ... by "pushing the envelope"!!
I would like to do ON EVENT??? ... load some ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE CODE.
I have "goggled" and many other searches for things like comp.lang.*, PC assembly language etc. and have not found any useful SITES or message boards from writing PC ASSEMBLY CODE.
Could someone please point me to some good PC assembly links, products, etc.
Please excuse my long winded post, and MANY THANKS in ADVANCE from an "ol' bit-twiddling dinosaur" for any help.