I have a user who received an Access database from another
company. When trying to open it, receives error "This
operation is not supported for Microsoft Access 1.x
Access 1.1 was released in 1992 - over ten years ago (a century in
software-years!) Since then we've had 2.0, 95, 97, 2000, 2002 and now
2003. Not surprisingly, the program has changed enough that the newest
version of the program can no longer handle such old databases.
I'm not sure at what point Access 1.1 became unreadable, but I'd guess
with Access2000 (Access97 can, I know, upgrade 2.0 databases).
If you can find a computer with a copy of Access95 or Access97 on it,
try creating a new, empty database and Importing everything from this
antique. I actually have the original 2.0 diskettes available; if it's
critical and worth a modest consulting fee, I'd be willing to
bootstrap the data up to your current version. If you're interested
unspamptrap my From address and send me an email.