Access Database won't run



Hi Everyone,

I hope you can help me. I have written a small client database which, up
until Thursday worked fine.

When I clicked the Icon to run my client database, MS Access started but no
client database. I have tried running it directly from within Access but it
is as if there was nothing there. Yet, when I check in explorer, the file is
there (30 mb).

I have tried running other databases and they come to life no problem.

Is there anyway of getting my client database to open.

Yours hopefully


ps. I have also posted this on the 'gettingstarted' newsgroup, so there is
no need to reply to both. J

Al Camp

Try starting the database with the Shift key depressed. That will bypass
any code that may run at startup time.

Jeff Boyce


By posting separately in more than one newsgroup, you have to look more than
one place to see if there's an answer, and those who might help end up
duplicating efforts. If your situation truly calls for posting in more than
one 'group, select the appropriate groups in the "To/Newsgroups:" section.
That way, answers in one 'group show up in the other 'groups you posted to.

(already answered in another group!)

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