Access Database won't run



Hi Everyone,

I hope you can help me. I have written a small client database which, up
until Thursday worked fine.

When I clicked the Icon to run my client database, MS Access started but no
client database. I have tried running it directly from within Access but it
is as if there was nothing there. Yet, when I check in explorer, the file is
there (30 mb).

I have tried running other databases and they come to life no problem.

Is there anyway of getting my client database to open.

Yours hopefully


Jeff Boyce


Consider first making a backup of the (potentially corrupted) .mdb file.
Then open a new, empty .mdb file and use File | Get External Data | ... to
import all the objects.

Can you run the new (imported) version?

Rick Brandt

Jay said:
Hi Everyone,

I hope you can help me. I have written a small client database which,
up until Thursday worked fine.

When I clicked the Icon to run my client database, MS Access started
but no client database. I have tried running it directly from within
Access but it is as if there was nothing there. Yet, when I check in
explorer, the file is there (30 mb).

I have tried running other databases and they come to life no problem.

Is there anyway of getting my client database to open.

Yours hopefully

Are you sure you didn't just change startup properties to NOT display the db
window? Try opening the file with the shift key held down.


Hi Jeff,

I have just tried what you suggested, but alas nothing. It is still as if I
have not clicked on the existing client database. Access itself does open,
and I can still do as you have suggested with other files, just not my
client database file.

Many thanks for your suggestion.

I am getting the impression that it is not Access at all, but some other
thing/ program that is holding my client database hostage.

I'll have a go at most things now as I'm probably in so much smelly stuff
right now, it cannot hurt.


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