Yeah, not possible to open right to the tab without API. However, you can
open that dialog via code:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDatabaseProperties
Troy Munford
Development Operations Manager
FMS, Inc.
Sorry: Are you asking to open that tab using VBA code, or simply to get the
values that are on it?
I don't believe it's possible to open the tab using VBA code, but you can
get at the values through code. However, note that the properties do not
exist until you've assigned them a value, so if you try simply to get at the
value of a property that hasn't been assigned, you'll get a Property Not
Found error (Error number 3270). The code below, based on an example in the
Help file, will trap that error and, in fact, insert a property with its
value set to "None" into the database so that you won't get an error the
Function GetSummaryInfo(strPropName As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetSummaryInfo
Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim cntCurr As DAO.Container
Dim docCurr As DAO.Document
Dim prpCurr As DAO.Property
' Property not found error.
Const conPropertyNotFound As Long = 3270
Set dbCurr = CurrentDb
Set cntCurr = dbCurr.Containers!Databases
Set docCurr = cntCurr.Documents!SummaryInfo
GetSummaryInfo = docCurr.Properties(strPropName)
Exit Function
If Err = conPropertyNotFound Then
Set prpCurr = docCurr.CreateProperty(strPropName, dbText, "None")
docCurr.Properties.Append prpCurr
GetSummaryInfo = "None"
Resume Next
GetSummaryInfo = ""
Resume End_GetSummaryInfo
End If
End Function