Access database for construction project

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I have a form with several text boxs ( for several fields of records
information)hoping that user input at least one of the information to any of
the field in the form and it will search the data sheet and if match will
output the record with the same form. (Pull down menu cannot work as more
than thousands of records)
Also the below is the subform to show the related project drawing list in
more detail, where the upper part is to search which project.
Pls teach me how to do all these?
P.S.: if there are 5 cat. of projects and I may need to give A0001...A0002,
BXXXX,CXXXX,DXXXX and EXXXX as the primary key, and they are in Excel
originally, can I import them as 5 different data sheet and link the primary
keys to let the datatbase to search all of them? One data sheet is not work
as if add new record they are in 5 diff. cat. (that is A0299->A0300 and
C0500->C0501). Hope can understand and many thanks for any help!
I noticed that nobody answered. As advice, I will say that I could not
understand your question. Underlying it seems to be that if a user types in
the right "code", data from (other fields) the corresponding record shows up.
This is easily done in a query or form and I assume you already know how to
do that. You can also like to several tables off of that field and have
thier data show up, albiet in different places dedicated to those tables. I
don't know how to make them all show up in the same spot. But that sort of
implies that you consider them to be equivalent, in which case you might
consider making them one table, possibly with a field to indicate whihc of
the 5 sources the record came from.

Unfortunately, your English is poor, so it's pretty much impossible for me to
understand your question. Note however, that being "taught" Access is usually
done in a learning institution, and not in a technical newsgroup.