I'm trying to optimize some Access 2002 code, and I've hit a stumbling block.
use Access as our frontend, and SQL Server as our backend.
Here's a code fragment from the old implementation of a search for a
specific record:
' Set focus to NdvID and search
API_Sleep 200
'MsgBox "DoCmd.FindRecord " & vNdvID & "," & acEntire & "," & False & ",
," & False & ", ," & True
DoCmd.FindRecord vNdvID, acEntire, False, , False, , True
API_Sleep 400
''' Verify requested NdvID was found
If CStr(Me.txtNdvID) <> vNdvID Then
If Not DoRefresh Then
''' If not found and recordset not refreshed, self-call with
Call DoFindByNdvID(vNdvID, True)
''' If not found and recordset already refreshed, give failure
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbInformation, "Search:
End If
End If
I dont like the DoCmd.FindRecord, Here's the general idea of what I'd like
to try:
If Not IsNull(vNdvID) Then
If DoRefresh Then Me.Requery
Set RS = Me.RecordsetClone
'Move first and search
If Not RS.BOF Then RS.MoveFirst
RS.FindFirst "[NdvID] = " & vNdvID
'Determine if record was found, notify if not found
If Not (RS.EOF Or RS.BOF) Then
If RS!NdvID = Val(Nz(vNdvID, -1)) Then
Me.Bookmark = RS.Bookmark
Me.cboFind = Null
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbExclamation, "Search:
End If
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbInformation, "Search:
End If
End If
Thats a kind of a rough idea, anyway...
The problem is that when I try to do this, I always get a type mismatch error.
I get the type mismatch, when I'm doing the assignment set RS =
I take this to mean that the forms recordsource is not a DAO source, so
thats why I get the type mismatch. I looked at my database conection string
for the currentproject, and it is using SQLOLEDB. I guess that is ADO.
I have alot of questions about the database connectivity details, but my
bottom line quesstions is this: Can I use the code that I included that opens
a DAO recordset with this application?
If not, can this strategy still work?
Thanks for any help!
David Buttrick, SQL DBA
Parents as Teachers National Center
2228 Ball Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
(314) 432-4330 x282
(e-mail address removed)
use Access as our frontend, and SQL Server as our backend.
Here's a code fragment from the old implementation of a search for a
specific record:
' Set focus to NdvID and search
API_Sleep 200
'MsgBox "DoCmd.FindRecord " & vNdvID & "," & acEntire & "," & False & ",
," & False & ", ," & True
DoCmd.FindRecord vNdvID, acEntire, False, , False, , True
API_Sleep 400
''' Verify requested NdvID was found
If CStr(Me.txtNdvID) <> vNdvID Then
If Not DoRefresh Then
''' If not found and recordset not refreshed, self-call with
Call DoFindByNdvID(vNdvID, True)
''' If not found and recordset already refreshed, give failure
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbInformation, "Search:
End If
End If
I dont like the DoCmd.FindRecord, Here's the general idea of what I'd like
to try:
If Not IsNull(vNdvID) Then
If DoRefresh Then Me.Requery
Set RS = Me.RecordsetClone
'Move first and search
If Not RS.BOF Then RS.MoveFirst
RS.FindFirst "[NdvID] = " & vNdvID
'Determine if record was found, notify if not found
If Not (RS.EOF Or RS.BOF) Then
If RS!NdvID = Val(Nz(vNdvID, -1)) Then
Me.Bookmark = RS.Bookmark
Me.cboFind = Null
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbExclamation, "Search:
End If
MsgBox "Couldn't find Individual.", vbInformation, "Search:
End If
End If
Thats a kind of a rough idea, anyway...
The problem is that when I try to do this, I always get a type mismatch error.
I get the type mismatch, when I'm doing the assignment set RS =
I take this to mean that the forms recordsource is not a DAO source, so
thats why I get the type mismatch. I looked at my database conection string
for the currentproject, and it is using SQLOLEDB. I guess that is ADO.
I have alot of questions about the database connectivity details, but my
bottom line quesstions is this: Can I use the code that I included that opens
a DAO recordset with this application?
If not, can this strategy still work?
Thanks for any help!
David Buttrick, SQL DBA
Parents as Teachers National Center
2228 Ball Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
(314) 432-4330 x282
(e-mail address removed)