Access-Crash when using TableDefs.Append with Oracle 10.2 client

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stefan Wetter
  • Start date Start date

Stefan Wetter


I use some code to relink my tables when starting the application. The
Code works with Access 2000/2003 an Oracle9.2 client without any
problem. Some of my customers are now forced to switch to Oracle 10.2
The problem with Access2003 ist, that it completely crashes (send
Error-Report?) when i relink the tables.

It crashes when executing TableDefs.Append NewTableDef.
If i restart the mdb, the Linked table is there and can be opened. When
i continue linking, the same crash occurs with the second table. After
reopening the mdb, the table ist there and usable.

Does anybody know the solution to this problem? Or maybe can somebody
explain what specifically brings Access to crash?

Thank you very much!!


PS: There was a Post relating this theme in this group 2 years ago:
But no solution. The email-adress of user dtcemeister does not exist any
hi Stefan,

Stefan said:
Does anybody know the solution to this problem? Or maybe can somebody
explain what specifically brings Access to crash?
Post your connection string.

Have you tested it locally against a XE or another Oracel 10 version?
I'm running it without any issues.
PS: There was a Post relating this theme in this group 2 years ago:
But no solution. The email-adress of user dtcemeister does not exist any
This was a special MySQL ODBC bug.

--> stefan <--
Stefan said:
hi Stefan,

Post your connection string.

Have you tested it locally against a XE or another Oracel 10 version?
I'm running it without any issues.

With other customers i run it without any errors too. Do you mein
against another server or client version?

The connectionstring is ok, i can connect with this same parameters and
link tables manually without any problem. And also the fact that access
crashes after it has successfully connected the table leads me to say
that the string is ok. (At the moment i have no possibility to get to
one of the problematic computers, otherwise i would post it.)
hi Stefan,

Stefan said:
With other customers i run it without any errors too. Do you mein
against another server or client version?
Both. Normally it should be

a) a corrupted Oracle client installation
b) a corrupted MDAC/Jet installation.

Have you reinstalled them?

Have you run a repair and compact?

--> stefan <--
Stefan said:
hi Stefan,

Both. Normally it should be

a) a corrupted Oracle client installation
b) a corrupted MDAC/Jet installation.

Have you reinstalled them?

No. I'm not sure if i am allowed to do that. Yes, i can do it for
testing purposes. But my customer is a part of a big company where all
computers come with a standard installation including Access/Jet/MDAC &
Oracle-Client. They won't change their standard-client-installation for
me i think...

I will test it if it is possible (to uninstall parts of the standard and
replace it with "normal" installations).
Have you run a repair and compact?

Yes, but with no effect.
Stefan said:
No. I'm not sure if i am allowed to do that. Yes, i can do it for
testing purposes. But my customer is a part of a big company where all
computers come with a standard installation including Access/Jet/MDAC &
Oracle-Client. They won't change their standard-client-installation for
me i think...

I will test it if it is possible (to uninstall parts of the standard and
replace it with "normal" installations).
I also checked the versions. MDAC 2.81, Office2K3SP2. I did not check
the minor numbers of the oraclient, major is 10R2.