I have about 600-700 PPT slides for various courses I give, studes have access to all slides and can D/L them, it works great and the students love it. The problem is the students are getting too much info., up front and use the info. on the slides as the only source and reduces their participation in class. One answer to this problem is two sets of P.P.one set of slides for me the instructor which is what is there now and a duplicate set with limited info. You can then only D/L the slides with the limited info and you take them to class and make the required notes to get all the info. you need for that subject.
What I would like to do is stay with stay with one set of P.P. slides (complete, as they are now) but have some way to hide a lot of the info on each slide unless you have password control to see the complete slide. For example: if I have an administration password I can see all the text on each slide, if I am a student I can only view, print or D/L the info. on each slide the instructor wants me to see. This would save a lot of work in that a second set of slides would not be required. I am aware that slides can be hidden, what I need is for parts of slides to be hidden...........
Sure hope their is an answer to this out there
What I would like to do is stay with stay with one set of P.P. slides (complete, as they are now) but have some way to hide a lot of the info on each slide unless you have password control to see the complete slide. For example: if I have an administration password I can see all the text on each slide, if I am a student I can only view, print or D/L the info. on each slide the instructor wants me to see. This would save a lot of work in that a second set of slides would not be required. I am aware that slides can be hidden, what I need is for parts of slides to be hidden...........
Sure hope their is an answer to this out there