Access Access - Combine 2 filters

Oct 8, 2010
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I'm trying to get the most out of an Access Database I created, but as I'm no expert at all programming, I got stuck on one of my forms.
I have 2 tables, the 1st called Team, where I have the following data: Id, Name, Surname, Title. The second table is called Hours, where I want to store informations about the hours every team member spends on every proyect, so the data are: PM (project manager), Date, Project, Hours.
To fill in the hours, I created a form Dedication with a subform Hours_per_Project. In the form I show the name of the user, in the subform I show the data of the table Hours. On opening the form, a query asks the identification of the user, showing only his data. As I not only wanted to filter on the name, but also on a certain date, I created a new field in the form to display the chosen date. To choose the date I created a new form, with a pop-up calendar, that opens on opening the parent form. Once chosen the date in the calendar, the calendar closes and shows the date in the created field in the parent form. Until here, everything works fine. However, I'm not able to filter on the date to show in the subform only the hours dedicated that day. But I'm not able to make it work: if I manage to filter on the date, the first filter (on the user) is lost. How can I make it work with 2 filters? My programming skills are limited, so I would appreciate it very much every help you can offer. Thanks.
Hello again,

For those who read my question and have a similar problem, I've found a way around it.
This is what I did:
First I created a table with all the days of the year. Then I created a query combining the data form my table called Team with the one with the days of the year. That query I use to build my form. To be able to use a pop-up calendar to fill in the dates, I substituted the dialog boxes of the query for forms (giving them the same aspect as a dialog box).
It's a bit more complicated than I expected, but finally it works completely as I expected. For the ones who struggle with a similar problem, if you leave your question in this thread, I'll give you more details.