Access catching bad behaviour

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tea Stain
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Tea Stain

I dont even know where to start looking for help with this
I have an Access 2000 DB on network share, had 4
workstations on Win NT accessing it fine,
Upgraded a pc to W2K, and now this Workstation when
accessing DB does strange things when entering data into
form, it seems to be continually calculating, and wont let
the user enter any data in date field. the calculating..
info message is on the bottom of the screen, and it seems
the app is busy ( mouse flickers ). OK, upgraded another
machine, worked fine for 2 weeks, now its doing the same.

The third machine is still working fine , touch wood.
Anybody seen this, it must be win2000 related, but what?
"worked fine for 2 weeks, now its doing the same".... I suppose if it was an
incompatibility issue, it would have manifested itself right away.
"The third machine is still working fine" implies it's not a case of
somebody having tamprered with the design (code? macros?). Have you scanned
for viruses with the latest signatures?
