Access calling another application

  • Thread starter Thread starter xavier
  • Start date Start date


Is there any way for Access to call an instance of IE
or Word but keep it within a form, I know how to make it
call IE or Word what I need is to limit it to open only
within the form it was called from.

Please any help I have posted 3 times and still no clue

It certainly is possible, but you will need to understand the properties of
the objects you use. For Word, go to the insert menu in Access and select
Object. You will see Microsoft Word Document as one of the options there.
For IE, you will need to use the WebBrowser control by selecting ActiveX
Control from the insert menu and using the Navigate method in code.

Hope this helps,
- Glen

I am able to get Word or IE to open the documents but it
starts in a new window, that is not my problem.

What I want to do is have it open in the current form
within a predefined area like a subform does, or if it is
not possible then I want to force the user to close IE or
word before they can work on the database again.
