Look up the DLookup function in help.(from Albert Kallal)
To retrieve one value, you can use dlookup
So, if we have some part numbers, and we need the part
description, then you
can use dlookup in a form.
If you are using a report, then using the query builder
makes the need for
lookup obsolete, as you can just drop in the other table,
and do a join.
So, or a text box, you can use:
=dlookup("field value to grab","the table name","the condtion")
=dlookup("PartDescription","tblParts","partnum = 123")
The above would lookup the pardescription text from table
parts, and the
partnum is 123
If the partnumber was a field on the form, then you could use:
=dlookup("PartDescription","tblParts","partnum = " & [partnum])
-----Original Message-----
I am currently using Microsoft Access 2000 and I am
interested in being able to use some sort of "autofill". (
I am not sure if this is the correct term to use or not) I
would like to be able to enter in a (for example) customer
number and have all of their information (name, address,
etc.) automatically filled in. I am comfortable with
Access but this problem is very frusterating, especially
since I am not sure of the correct term to use to ask the
paperclip or to look in the book. Any feedback or help
would be appreciated. Please only e mail if you are truly
trying to help. Thank you