judy s
For about 4 months I have not been ALLOWED to open
ANY ATTACHMENTS...starting with paperclips and all others.
If I'm paying for access, shouldn't I be allowed access?
If I click on the paperclip I get { OE removed access to
the following unsafe attachment.}
I am a home user and only email about a dozen of my
closest friends. If my son sends me a photo of my
grandkids, from his home digital camera...........
WHY am I NOT ALLOWED to OPEN my email.
What is the point of having a new hp laptop with
windows xp. not worth it if I'm not allowed full
functions. Isn't it MY decision whether I choose to
access, or not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANY ATTACHMENTS...starting with paperclips and all others.
If I'm paying for access, shouldn't I be allowed access?
If I click on the paperclip I get { OE removed access to
the following unsafe attachment.}
I am a home user and only email about a dozen of my
closest friends. If my son sends me a photo of my
grandkids, from his home digital camera...........
WHY am I NOT ALLOWED to OPEN my email.
What is the point of having a new hp laptop with
windows xp. not worth it if I'm not allowed full
functions. Isn't it MY decision whether I choose to
access, or not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!