access as frontend for access

  • Thread starter Thread starter balu
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dear friends ,
i have had an stupid idea ofcourse and an question in my self also!?.
is it possible to make an mdb file with tables as back end, and another mdb
file as front end with forms and querys ,to access first mdb file b,cause
every one can't affordable for vb platforms and it will increse the cost also.
kindly send any thred on website which can help me please
If I understand you correctly, this is called database splitting and is very
common place!

You create a database (tables, forms, queries, reports,...) and then when
you are happy with your development and ready for users to start using it you
split it in 2 piece.

The Back-end which contains all the tables
The Front-End which houses the Forms, Code, Reports, Queries....

If you Google 'MS Access database splitting' you should find all the
information you need.
As Daniel said, it's such a stupid idea that Micro$oft implemented long ago!

Tools - Database Utilities - Database Splitter

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000/2003

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dear friends,
im copyng access data to excel sheet using copyfromrecord set method if i
1 laks of records to excelsheet it will exceed the sheet rows then how
proceed and
what code to attach to over come this problom