I have an access db that has been working for several years on a LAN setup.
I now have new requirement that require that it be useable over a WAN
(1-2mbps max).
I did some reading. Thank you Albert Kallal for your excellent
article(http://members.shaw.ca/AlbertKallal/Wan/Wans.html)! I was sure I had
my answer, Terminal Services... I proposed it to the IT department and the
whole thing is turning into a nightmare (new server, licensing,... - forget
about a timeline). So now I am back here asking for any possible
alternatives that would bypass involving the IT department. Something that
as a dba I can do.
Please treat me like I am ignorant when you explain!
If I were to upsize to SQL Server for my back-end, would this resolve my
issue? By upsizing do I get away from jet or for that do I need to redo my
front-end? Could someone please explain a little more about this or any
other true alternatives.
Thank you so very much,
I now have new requirement that require that it be useable over a WAN
(1-2mbps max).
I did some reading. Thank you Albert Kallal for your excellent
article(http://members.shaw.ca/AlbertKallal/Wan/Wans.html)! I was sure I had
my answer, Terminal Services... I proposed it to the IT department and the
whole thing is turning into a nightmare (new server, licensing,... - forget
about a timeline). So now I am back here asking for any possible
alternatives that would bypass involving the IT department. Something that
as a dba I can do.
Please treat me like I am ignorant when you explain!
If I were to upsize to SQL Server for my back-end, would this resolve my
issue? By upsizing do I get away from jet or for that do I need to redo my
front-end? Could someone please explain a little more about this or any
other true alternatives.
Thank you so very much,