Access and the Internet



I have developed several Access applications over the years for clients. I
have also developed many websites for my clients. But I have never put the
two together. Can anyone answer a couple of questions for me?

I see the ability to create data access pages in Access. Is that the way to
link an access atabase to a website?

If I use Access with a website, can I use all the tools inside Access the
way I do with a non internet application or am I limited?

Is there a Microsoft resource or a book that specifically deals with
creating or customizing Access applications to work on the internet?

I fully expect that I may have been keeping my head in the sand all these
years and these are dumb questions but it would be very helpful for me to
know the answers.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Bob Wardlow

Danny J. Lesandrini


I haven't found DAPs to be that useful, though I understand they can be, so
long as they're used on an inTRAnet and not the InTERnet.

Classic ASP is simple and works well for some things. A couple weeks ago I
created an ASP page which I'll use for an upcoming article at Database Journal.
It reads the MSysObjects table to display a list of tables. Select a table and
it paints the records on the screen. The link below shows you the code for it.

If you want to update a record, it will take more work, but I've got another article
at the DBJ site that shows how you would do that.

Some feel that Access is neither robust nor secure enough to use for the data
store of a web app. There's some merit in that argument, unless you want to
display and/or edit a small amount of data by a small number of users. It's not
a perfect solution, but it's inexpensive and relatively quick to build.

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