Access admin/user application data

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How do I enable/access Application Data (like in XP to view History, Cookies,
Temp Internet Files etc.) from Win Explorer... I am logged in as
Administrator but "Access Denied"
Application Data has been moved. To see where it has been moved to, open a
command prompt and type "dir /a". It will identify Application Data as a
junction and will show you the new location in brackets.

Many folders used by earlier versions of Windows have been moved to a new
location or given a new name in Windows Vista. However, the old folders can
still be seen if you have enabled Show Hidden Files.

Notice they are displayed with a transparent icon and a shortcut symbol.

Although these look like folders, they are actually what is known as a
junction. Junctions behave like shortcuts, but look just like regular folders.

Their purpose is to silently redirect programs that access them to their
Windows Vista equivalent.

Since junctions aren't really folders, it is not possible to access them,
and any attempt to do so will give you an "Access Denied" error.
Ya know,
The more you type that; the easier it is for me to remember-junction=not
a folder.


I wish MS would have given them a different icon (or preferrably corrected
the shell behavior) - the ghosted out shortcut just isn't getting the point
accross. I told them this is going to cause major problems but I guess they
didn't have the time to fix it.
To be more precise:

Application Data is now located here:


Local Settings is now here:


(sorry I was not near a Vista computer earlier)
Ya remember all the issues that AV apps had with the "Hall of Mirrors"?
No doubt that it needed fixing, ah but here we are at RTM.
You might want to keep that script HANDY-lol
Or else ya like typing-ALOT

P.S. still wager that UAC is gonna #1 for the biggest complaint.
RTM Jimmy, so I don't count drivers ; cuz now it's up to the vendors to
build drivers and apps to code.
I know we go round and round about it; but I still feel this way about UAC.

I have no doubt it will be a major complaint ... at first ... but I still
think the majority of users will live with it and eventually it will just be
accepted, especially as the "Vista wave" of applications come out that work
(better) with it :)