Access: Add "Row Source Lookup" to "Query Parameters"



Add the ability to use a combobox dropdown for query parameters when it
executes. The current query parameter window only has "parameter" and "Data
Type" Adding "Row Source Type", "Row Source", "Bound Column", "Column
Count", "Column Heads", and "Column Widths" will allow a much greater query
parameter criteria ability without having to create forms for input

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Tom Ellison

Dear Norman:

For you information (in case perhaps you didn't know) you can reference most
controls' values from within your queries (assuming you're writing an MDB
and using Jet) using a simple syntax:


Change FormName and ControlName to match the actual names you have assigned.
Thus, you can use selections made by users on your forms to operate your
queries. Indeed, moving "up" to using controls instead of parameters for
your queries is generally considered a part of the maturation process. My
guess is that, since you see the need for something like this, you are
probably very ready to learn and begin using this more advanced feature.

Please let me know if this helped, and if I can be of any other assistance.

Tom Ellison

"Norman Simoneau from ProSo.Net" <Norman Simoneau from
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


Hello, Tom.
I understand how form values can be retreived for queries. I have been
developing in Access since Version 1.1. My business is nearly all MS Access
development (Visit www.ProSo.Net for information) My suggestion is to add the
ability for dropdown combobox lists without having to have a criteria form
open. By adding the ability to set a rowsource for the parameter query,
parameters with by possible without having to create controls criteria forms.
The query can automatically generate the criteria input form based on the
parameter details of the query itself. My concept is to by pass the manually
created criteria form by allowing more properties within the query parameter.
Currently only simple inputboxes can be used. The improvement of having
automaticly created comboboxes for the parameter query would be a great leap
forward for the query parameter. Do you understand my concept?

Tom Ellison said:
Dear Norman:

For you information (in case perhaps you didn't know) you can reference most
controls' values from within your queries (assuming you're writing an MDB
and using Jet) using a simple syntax:


Change FormName and ControlName to match the actual names you have assigned.
Thus, you can use selections made by users on your forms to operate your
queries. Indeed, moving "up" to using controls instead of parameters for
your queries is generally considered a part of the maturation process. My
guess is that, since you see the need for something like this, you are
probably very ready to learn and begin using this more advanced feature.

Please let me know if this helped, and if I can be of any other assistance.

Tom Ellison

"Norman Simoneau from ProSo.Net" <Norman Simoneau from
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
Add the ability to use a combobox dropdown for query parameters when it
executes. The current query parameter window only has "parameter" and
Type" Adding "Row Source Type", "Row Source", "Bound Column", "Column
Count", "Column Heads", and "Column Widths" will allow a much greater
parameter criteria ability without having to create forms for input

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


An example of how this could help:

This would solve the problem for the posting “How do I prompt users for a
list (not a range) in Accessâ€

This could be solved bu allowing the user to change the input parameter to
"combobox" and enter the rowsource detail.

The parameter query would automatically generate the dropdown list when
executed without to complexity of user having to create a criteria input form.

Access could easy create a manual input form on the fly based on the
parameters instead of just simply popping up an inputbox or having the
developer create a criteria form.

Thank you...

Tom Ellison said:
Dear Norman:

For you information (in case perhaps you didn't know) you can reference most
controls' values from within your queries (assuming you're writing an MDB
and using Jet) using a simple syntax:


Change FormName and ControlName to match the actual names you have assigned.
Thus, you can use selections made by users on your forms to operate your
queries. Indeed, moving "up" to using controls instead of parameters for
your queries is generally considered a part of the maturation process. My
guess is that, since you see the need for something like this, you are
probably very ready to learn and begin using this more advanced feature.

Please let me know if this helped, and if I can be of any other assistance.

Tom Ellison

"Norman Simoneau from ProSo.Net" <Norman Simoneau from
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
Add the ability to use a combobox dropdown for query parameters when it
executes. The current query parameter window only has "parameter" and
Type" Adding "Row Source Type", "Row Source", "Bound Column", "Column
Count", "Column Heads", and "Column Widths" will allow a much greater
parameter criteria ability without having to create forms for input

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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