barbara said:
I have a main table that represents a field monitoring
site, and then 9 tables of related data. My report
consists of putting out all data pertaining to a site.
The main table fields (about 18) use 7" and the 9
subreports are about 1.75" each (each sub has 4 to 8
fields). Much of the data is descriptive (i.e. text boxes
the width of the report), so labels are needed as well as
horizontal lines between subreports.
That is a lot of data!!
The first thing to do when cramped for space is to make the
subreport controls shorter (say 1/2") and set their CanGrow
property to Yes so they can expand to take as much space as
required. If you do this, make sure the other control do
not overlap the subreport controls. If you have a bunch of
text boxes that consume an entire horizontal "row" in the
detail section, you could also reduce their height and set
them to Grow as well.
Another approach is to add a group level (View menu =
Sorting and Grouping) at the bottom of the grouping list
using the detail section's sort field. You can then add a
group header and footer section and spread the detail
controls out over three sections.