Access 97 placing info in wrong field when record is edited or upd

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The table (called workorder table) that this form (workorder) originates from
has over 6500 records. When I edit or update the workorder form one of the
fields on the form actually places information in another field called
wrkky_inv (this field is related to another table called invoice table and is
a result of an invoice being created and is the primary key for the invoice
table). The edited information is placed in the correct field correctly. The
problem is that when editing information (usually a field called work
completed qty) the form also places information into the wrkky_inv field
(uses the same number as the wrkid field which is the primary key for the
workorder table). To simpilify: The form incorrectly places information in
the wrkky_inv field by copying the wrkid field information. I should note
this does not happend on my computer at home (which is a copy of the data
table and program table). This only occurs when information is recorded at
work where the data table is saved on our server. The program table is stored
on each workstation/computer and linked to the data db. My computer at home
has one file with the program db and data db together. Any suggestions. I
have made sure that the Office 97 updates are current (sr2). Thank you.
Several possible things here.

1. Duplicate DLLs
The first is duplicate DLLs, so that even though both computers say they are
A97 SR2, an old DLL is being used on one of the computers, and hence the two
installations behave differently under the same conditions.

Use the Windows Explorer to search for dao350.dll. You should find only
*one* copy, typically in:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\
If there are multiples, that could be your problem.
You can fine out which one is actually in use by opening the Immediate
Window (Ctrl+G), and entering:
? References("DAO").FullPath
You can find the version of each by right-clicking the file in the Windows
Explorer, and looking on the Version tab. You may need to delete one, and
use RegEdit to register the other.

Next, check for msjet35.dll. Again you should find only one copy, typically
If there are duplicates, check the version numbers, make sure the correct
one is registered and in the right place, and delete the other.

2. Default Value
If all that checks out correct - only one copy of each on each machine, and
the same versions, it is odd that the software behaves differently under
exactly the same conditions. But there is a flaw that relates to something
similar to what you are doing. Presumably this form's RecordSource is a
query that contains multiple tables. If any of the fields have a Default
Value defined in the table, Access can attempt to create a new record in the
inappropirate table as well, and then complain that there is no match.
Removing the Default Value setting from the field in the table works around
this behavior.

2/24/05. Thank you for your help. I found some interesting results. None
of the workstations contained the dap350.dll, nor did the server. All
machines (including the server) contained msjet35.dll but with different
versions. Server(using windows 2000) has two file versions: 3.51.2026
(C:WINNT/System32)installed 8/25/98 and 3.51.2723.0
(D:/Office97/OS/System)installed 1/21/05. Workstation Kathy (using windows
98)has three file versions: 3.51.2723.0 (C:/Windows/System)installed 4/23/99,
version 3.51.0623.4 (C:Old_data/GlobalStart/Top500)installed 7/21/97,
version: 3.51.2026.0(C:Old_data/WINDOWS/SYSTEM)installed 3/11/99. Workstation
Gwen Version 3.51.3328.0 (C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM installed 9/28/99. My home
computer has both files. dap350.dll version 3.51.1608.0 and msjet35.dll
version 3.51.3328.0. Since the dap350.dll file is missing from all
workstations could this be part of the problem? Is the 3.51.1608.0 the most
recent? Guess this file needs to be installed? Appears we have major
confusion with the msjet35.dll files on the workstations and server. What is
the most recent version? Sounds like the wrong files should be removed.
Thanks for your help. Can't wait to resolve this problem, will be
It is crucial to get a single, registered copy of the latest DLL on each
machine. My copy is 3.51.3328.0, so it looks like you have a couple of
machines that have this installed. If all machines claim to be SR-2, you
could perhaps replace the old one with the 3.51.3328.0 DLL, and register it
the new one with regsvr32.

The other crucial file is DAO350.DLL (not dap...), and you will find it
somewhere on the drive, probably under \Program Files. Make sure there's
only one copy, and consistent versions. DAO stands for "Data Access
Objects", and Access won't work without it.
Thank you. I will check the machines again for DAO350.DLL (sorry about the
dap have had a severe case of the flu and my brain and hands are not working
together). It is really wonderful to have such a resource. Will keep you
posted. Thanks doglover.