John Stech
Date fields are in general number format and to convert
them I am having to go through several steps. I was
hoping someone had a suggestion or perhaps a function I
can define. The date is coming to me as 20030102 in
number format. Currently I am using a query to take it
I use mid right and left funtions and then I recombine it
using [2003]&"/"&[01]&"/"&[02]. This way I go from
20030102 as a number to 01/02/2003 as text. Any
suggestions. This works but is time intensive and the
files are very large.
them I am having to go through several steps. I was
hoping someone had a suggestion or perhaps a function I
can define. The date is coming to me as 20030102 in
number format. Currently I am using a query to take it
I use mid right and left funtions and then I recombine it
using [2003]&"/"&[01]&"/"&[02]. This way I go from
20030102 as a number to 01/02/2003 as text. Any
suggestions. This works but is time intensive and the
files are very large.