It all comes down to your needs.
Access 2010 has a few new features (see
for a listing of some of the new features), but unless you will take
advantage of them there would be no point in upgrading.
Furthermore, I typically avoid jumping in for development on any new MS
product for a good year or so, until the first SP is released, so that the
bugs, and there will be bugs, are ironed out and the product is stable.
So what I am saying is if 2007 suits your needs, then no, do not rush out to
Most of my clients are still running on 2000 and 2003, if that gives you any
idea of the market. Only very small companies migrate rapidly to new
versions, larger organisation take years to implement upgrade. So 2010 won't
be in large corporations for 2-3yrs, maybe more based on past experience.
Hope this helps,
Daniel Pineault
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