Access 2007



Not sure where to ask this...

From Access XP 2002 - upgrade to Office 2007....

1) How many of my macros and modules will not work?

2) If I pass an Access 2007 MDB to a user with Access 2002, will it open
without conversion? I see there's a compatibility pack, but so far, it does
not work for the Excel tests I've done.

3) Is there a reverse compatibility chart showing problems posted somewhere?


Allen Browne

Answers embedded.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

shank said:
Not sure where to ask this...

From Access XP 2002 - upgrade to Office 2007....

1) How many of my macros and modules will not work?

Provided you set the database folder as a trusted location, your macros and
code will work as the the previous version.

There are a few gotchas. The ones I am aware of are listed here:
2) If I pass an Access 2007 MDB to a user with Access 2002, will it open
without conversion? I see there's a compatibility pack, but so far, it
does not work for the Excel tests I've done.

Yes. Users with previous versions will be able to use your MDB.

Of course, if you used some of the new functionality, it won't be present
under 2002, and could cause problems. Similar to if you use have an Access
2000 format database in Access 2002 and use the Printer object: users under
Access 2000 will then have problems with the database.
3) Is there a reverse compatibility chart showing problems posted

See the "Features no longer available" in:

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