We have an Accessdatabase 'Lending.mdb' to loan books.
The database is placed on a networkdrive, called G:\General
All the users of our department are allowed to read/write files in the
folder "G:\General".
Now the database has been moved to folder G:\Automation.
In this folder all the users are just allowed to READ files.
Adminstrator has setup the rights for 'Lending.mdb' specific to read/write.
Although this rights, it is impossible to add/change records in the
In Office/Access-2003 there was now problem to laon (so append/edit etc.).
Office-2007 seems to handle different with read/write rights.
What's usefull to change, so everyone using Office-2007 can still use
Thank you in advance,
We have an Accessdatabase 'Lending.mdb' to loan books.
The database is placed on a networkdrive, called G:\General
All the users of our department are allowed to read/write files in the
folder "G:\General".
Now the database has been moved to folder G:\Automation.
In this folder all the users are just allowed to READ files.
Adminstrator has setup the rights for 'Lending.mdb' specific to read/write.
Although this rights, it is impossible to add/change records in the
In Office/Access-2003 there was now problem to laon (so append/edit etc.).
Office-2007 seems to handle different with read/write rights.
What's usefull to change, so everyone using Office-2007 can still use
Thank you in advance,