I have a table with 36 rows containing the field, FiscalYear, values,
1,2 or 3, and EndDate, containing month end values for 3 calendar
years, for example, FiscalYear 1 EndDate for January is 1/31/2008,
FiscalYear 2 is 1/31/2009 and FiscalYear 3 is 1/31/2010. Repeat for
month end Feb - Dec for each FiscalYear. I'm trying to create a query
that would return the maximum month-end for each fiscalyear.
FiscalYear maxDate
1 12/31/2008
2 12/31/2009
3 12/31/2010
I've been futzing with returning unique values for fiscal year to
return 1,2 and 3, then trying max and dmax functions, to return 12/31/
dates without success. Could someone assist?
As asways, help is much appreciated,
Bill Carlson
1,2 or 3, and EndDate, containing month end values for 3 calendar
years, for example, FiscalYear 1 EndDate for January is 1/31/2008,
FiscalYear 2 is 1/31/2009 and FiscalYear 3 is 1/31/2010. Repeat for
month end Feb - Dec for each FiscalYear. I'm trying to create a query
that would return the maximum month-end for each fiscalyear.
FiscalYear maxDate
1 12/31/2008
2 12/31/2009
3 12/31/2010
I've been futzing with returning unique values for fiscal year to
return 1,2 and 3, then trying max and dmax functions, to return 12/31/
dates without success. Could someone assist?
As asways, help is much appreciated,
Bill Carlson