Access 2007: How do I stop ###'s appearing in textbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter JoeSantamaria
  • Start date Start date


I have a number of date and currecy fields in a subform.

If the textbox field value get too big to fit into the space, the field
displays ###'s.

How do I stop these ###'s from appearing without increasing the textbox width?

Thanks in advance
Joe S
Thanks Bob,

However, it is difficult to know how big to make it and/or what size font.
Most of the time the amounts are < $10,000 but it may be as much as
$10,000,000.00. With as many as 4 currency controls and limited space, I was
hoping to show at least some of the numbers instead of ###'s as did Access
2000. Do you know what was the reason to change this feature? Is there
another alternative? I use ContextTip on MouseMove to show the full number
but the user still prefers to see some of the numbers in the control instead
of ###'s.

Thanks again
Joe Santamaria
I'm not sure what you can do then. Are these on continuous or datasheet
forms? Or is it the Single Form view?
Bob Larson
Access World Forums Super Moderator

Tutorials at

Hi Bob
It is a continuous form. A datasheet might be a more flexible but doesn't
look as nice. Maybe I should go to a second line.

Joe Santamaria
Hi Joe

Are the controls editable, or for display only? If they are just for
display then you could try converting the value to a string.

Set the ControlSource of your textbox to:
=Format([FieldName], "Currency")

BTW, I think every version of Access has either displayed ### or converted
to exponential form (1.0E6) if a value is too long for a textbox.