Access 2007 Database is deleting itself when using compact on clos

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I have several databases that I have set to compact on close. Now that we
are running Access 2007, I occasionally find that a database is missing after
the compact operation. So far it has only happened with Access 2002 mdb
files and not with any Access 2007 accdb or accde files. Anyone else having
this problem?

Upgrading the Access 2002 files is not a solution at this time since some
computers still need to run the older version.


Brian Scheele
IT Manager
Clark Filter
3649 Hempland Road
Lancaster, PA 17601-1323
Brian, a very limited number of users have reported this issue, as mentioned

Any details you can provide to help us pin down the circumstances when this
occured would be very much appreciated. You say you have seen it with MDBs
only. If there is anything else at all about this you can identify, I would
be more than willing to pass it on to Microsoft for you.

Anything about file size? Folder locations? Multiple users? Opened
exclusive/shared? Any strange files left in your database folder or temp
folder? How often does it occur? Anything at all that could be relevant?
Database sizes range from 35 MB to 350 MB (the 350 MB database usually would
compact down to about 37 MB).

Folder location is a mapped network drive.
I:\Database\MSaccess\Item Allocation Reports.mdb
S:\Product Specifications Data.mdb (converted this to accdb, so maybe it
won't happen with this one again...)

Only one user was in each of these databases when the problem occurred, but,
multiple users can access them simultaneously.

Open Shared

No strange files, such as db1.mdb or any ldb files.

There is no determined frequency for this occurrance. It has happened twice
in the last 2 weeks - 1 to each of the databases mentioned.


Brian Scheele
IT Manager
Clark Filter
3649 Hempland Road
Lancaster, PA 17601-1323
Thanks, Brian.

Please let us know if you pin anything else down that might help in
identifying this as you see the problem again.
I have several databases that I have set to compact on close.

Why? Compact On Close is a useless feature that no one should ever
use, precisely because it cannot be cancelled and can thus lead to
data loss.
Brian Scheele said:
I have several databases that I have set to compact on close. Now that we
are running Access 2007, I occasionally find that a database is missing after
the compact operation. So far it has only happened with Access 2002 mdb
files and not with any Access 2007 accdb or accde files. Anyone else having
this problem?

Do these systems also have A2007 installed?

Are these on the server or a local folder? What are the permissions
for the users on the server or local folder? Can they create a
notepad file in that folder?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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David W. Fenton said:
Why? Compact On Close is a useless feature that no one should ever
use, precisely because it cannot be cancelled and can thus lead to
data loss.

Yeah that is a useless feature but MS still needs to figure out the

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
I've had the same problem but with mde files. Again it is running Access
2007 with a database in 2002 - 2003 format. It has happened about 5 - 6
times in 2 weeks. Luckly I set it up as a front-end / back-end database so
it is only the front-end database that was getting deleted (hence I could
restored it). I had suspected that it was the compact on close feature and
have disabled it - I went searching to see if anyone else had the same
problem. Reaaaally annoying.
bam65y, I am not seeing the original post you are replying to, but if you or
the original poster can supply any further details to help pin down the
circumstances under which you have seen this issue, that would be

You mentioned compact on close: good idea to turn this off. You also
indicated it was a split db, and you saw it 5-6 times in 2 weeks. Was this
all on one workstation? Multiple workstations? Any clues you can deduce from
the o/s and user's permissions? Anything else?

It would be good to give MS as much specific detail as possible... anything
that could help pin down a reproducable scenario, so they then would have
something to work on.

I am aware of the rumour that this problem exists:
but I have not been able to collect much consistent info.
bam65y said:
I've had the same problem but with mde files. Again it is running Access
2007 with a database in 2002 - 2003 format. It has happened about 5 - 6
times in 2 weeks. Luckly I set it up as a front-end / back-end database so
it is only the front-end database that was getting deleted (hence I could
restored it).

Does each user have their own copy of the FE MDE?

Unless you are using the FE MDE to hold temporary data and/or tables
there is no real need to compact the FE. I've had clients run for a
year or two on the same FE MDE. It bloats a little bit but no dig

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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Unless you are using the FE MDE to hold temporary data and/or
tables there is no real need to compact the FE. I've had clients
run for a year or two on the same FE MDE. It bloats a little bit
but no dig deal.

There's one important reason to compact the front end, and that's if
there is a lot of growth in one or more of the back end tables. That
kind of thing can invalidate the table statistics cached in the
table links, and make the query optimization inefficient. Compacting
marks all the queries for recompiling the next time they are run.
I have had same issue..blows A2007 database away after "compact on close" in
vista several times over few weeks. Says it must save to another file name,
but does not..
Can you provide any further details on when this occurs?

One particular database, or several?
Any clues on when it occurs?

We need any details you (or anyone else) can give on when this occurs.