Michael Loper
I open my database
I click Add Databas to Sourcesafe
It prompts and ask if I want to close the database....I say Yes
It prompts for a VSS Login...I enter my user login
I give it a Project name...It does not exist and asks if I would like to
create it....Yes
Then I am expecting to see a list of database objects to add....I never get
this screen. The system just sits there.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
I click Add Databas to Sourcesafe
It prompts and ask if I want to close the database....I say Yes
It prompts for a VSS Login...I enter my user login
I give it a Project name...It does not exist and asks if I would like to
create it....Yes
Then I am expecting to see a list of database objects to add....I never get
this screen. The system just sits there.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance