Access 2003 "Security Warning"

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What is the best way to stop that "warning"
from appearing when opening an Access 2003 DB?

TIA - Bob
in message:
What is the best way to stop that "warning"
from appearing when opening an Access 2003 DB?

Here is some info on this subject:
(Watch out for any possible line wrapping on these links)

You can to go Tools, Macro, Security and set it to low.
If the security item isn't on that menu, you may need to reset your menubar. See:;en-us;833219&Product=acc2003

You can also manually add the following Registry keys:
Set registry as follows:

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security

If these are just for your use, you can create a self cert on your computer
and digitally sign your databases. More info at:

Other link to see:

Frequently asked questions about Access security warnings:

More info here:
How to configure Jet 4.0 to prevent unsafe functions from running in Access 2003

Still more info here:

Another link on the subject:

An online course

And a very interesting work-around presented by TC:
(This will not work as posted on a secured database though)IMO the best way is to start the database via a script file which sets
the macro security level to low for that single invocation of Access.
This does not require a certificate, or a registry change, and it does
not affect any other database(s) - just the one being started by that

Eg. in VBScript:

dim o
set o=createobject ("Access.Application")
o.automationsecurity=1 ' set macro security LOW.
o.opencurrentdatabase "full path to your database"
set o=nothing
Jeff - Thank you.

Jeff Conrad said:
in message:

Here is some info on this subject:
(Watch out for any possible line wrapping on these links)

You can to go Tools, Macro, Security and set it to low.
If the security item isn't on that menu, you may need to reset your menubar. See:;en-us;833219&Product=acc2003

You can also manually add the following Registry keys:
Set registry as follows:

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security

If these are just for your use, you can create a self cert on your computer
and digitally sign your databases. More info at:

Other link to see:

Frequently asked questions about Access security warnings:

More info here:
How to configure Jet 4.0 to prevent unsafe functions from running in Access 2003

Still more info here:

Another link on the subject:

An online course

And a very interesting work-around presented by TC:
(This will not work as posted on a secured database though)
IMO the best way is to start the database via a script file which sets
the macro security level to low for that single invocation of Access.
This does not require a certificate, or a registry change, and it does
not affect any other database(s) - just the one being started by that

Eg. in VBScript:

dim o
set o=createobject ("Access.Application")
o.automationsecurity=1 ' set macro security LOW.
o.opencurrentdatabase "full path to your database"
set o=nothing
Hi Jeff

I have read your answer with interest as this is a problem I am currently
trying to address. I am creating an application that I distribute with the
Access Runtime.

When I install this on another machine running XP Pro (no access installed)
I too get the security warnings. I decided to use the solution described by
TC, by creating an execuable in VB.Net which basically reads my ini file to
get the location of the MDE and then attempts to launch it.

However, when running this on my test machine with no office installed (or
access) but just the runtime, I get the following error when trying to create
the Access.Application object:

Error No 429 - Cannot create ActiveX component.

Do you know what this means, or what it is I am doing wrong?
Jeff, if you're still around and see this (or anyone else who knows how), can
you tell me how to use a script to lower the Access security level while
opening just one db, as mentioned at the end of the quoted post?

See section #10 here:

Also, here is some exact steps that MVP TC has posted before:
Hi Kathie

1. Open Notepad or a similar "plain text" editor.

2. Type in the code that I showed in my previous post:

dim o
set o=createobject ("Access.Application")
o.automationsecurity=1 ' low.
o.opencurrentdatabase "full path to your database"
set o=nothing

(Type one statement per line. Note that the 'o's are letters, not
digit zeros. Be sure to replace "full path to your database" with the
full path to your database(!) - eg. "C:/windows/desktop/mydb.mdb".)

3. Save the file to your desktop. Give it any name you want, but be
sure that it ends with a .bat (not .txt) extension.

Now you can start your database by double-clicking the .bat file. The
macro security warnings should not appear.

There are certain cases where this might *not* work, eg. if a virus
scanner interferes with starting the batch file. But it is so easy to
try, that you should give it a go.

Good luck,
Hope that helps,
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP

in message:
Well it didn't work. I named the file test.bat.
I'm running XP Media Ctr Ed (simliar to Pro)
I ran it from a CMD prompt to capture the results. This is what happened:


C:\DOCUME~1\A\Desktop>dim o
'dim' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\DOCUME~1\A\Desktop>set o=createobject ("Access.Application")

C:\DOCUME~1\A\Desktop>o.automationsecurity=1 ' low.
'o.automationsecurity' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\DOCUME~1\A\Desktop>o.opencurrentdatabase "C:\Documents and Settings\A\My
'o.opencurrentdatabase' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'o.visible' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'o.usercontrol' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\DOCUME~1\A\Desktop>set o=nothing

What do you think?
Or, if the association for VBS has been set not to run scripts (as is the
case at many companies), rename your existing test.bat to test.vbs and then
create test.bat that consists of:

cscript //nologo C:\test.vbs

Replace C:\test.vbs with the correct path to test.vbs.

Run the new test.bat
Thanks for the help guys. Just renaming it to .vbs made it work....almost.
It launched but it gave an error. The error said something about my
expression having an invalid refence to the the property Visible, so I
"rem"ed out the line:
After that it launched without the error but my previously successful effort
on this db to make it launch without showing the Access screen behind it was
undone. Now it launched the old-fashioned way (where my switchboard screen
is in front of the standard grey Access screen).
What about this script would be causing this?
More info...
I ran a test where I launched my db (tested before this test and functioning
properly where it does not show the Access screen behind my switchboard form)
using a plain ol' .bat file and with plain msaccess startup command line
syntax. It gives the same results as when I launch it with the .vbs file.
So that seems to elimainate the contents of the .vbs file as the cause. I
don't know what that means is going on but I thought it might help the people
that do know.
Apologies everyone! I'm probably too tired to be working on this stuff right
now. My previous post is wrong. It launches correctly when I launch the db
using a plain .bat file. So it looks like if I can lower the security level
on the db with the .vbs then launch it with the .bat then that would do it.
Is this possible?