Access 2003 running on Windows Vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter hyPOTcrisy
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When I modify an Access 2003 form on a Windows Vista box,
WinXP SP2 users can not open the database.

Error 48: Error in loading DLL

Any thoughts?
I believe that you have to use an Access 2003 frontend and backend to
get this to work.

It sounds like you have an Access 2007 front end.

I would personally- just recommend moving to Access DAta Projects..
doign dev in Access 2007 (against SQL 2005) and then deploying in
2003. it's a lot faster that way; than anything else I've found

You might want to check Tools|References, in the module/code window, of the
Windows XP SP2 users machine. Sounds like it's picking up a Reference from
the Vista machine that is not available on the Windows XP machines.
I'm using only Access. The front and back are both Access 2003.

The original .mdb file was created in Office 2000 on a WinNT box.
Upgraded to Office 2003 on a Windows 2000 box, and have been using
the file on WinXP SP2 for 3 years with no problem.

Now however, I have upgraded my PC to Vista while the other 2 members of the
IT group have not. I subsequently modified one of the forms by adding a
button or what ever. Now, when ever the file is opend in Office 2003 running
on an XPSP2 box, we get the .dll error.

Somehow, vista .dll is being referenced in the form now. We have since
restored the file from tape and are using it fine. I can open it in Vista
and use the database, I can create and use queries an such, but if I modify a
form, it gets hosed.
hyPOTcrisy said:
I'm using only Access. The front and back are both Access 2003.

The original .mdb file was created in Office 2000 on a WinNT box.
Upgraded to Office 2003 on a Windows 2000 box, and have been using
the file on WinXP SP2 for 3 years with no problem.

Now however, I have upgraded my PC to Vista while the other 2 members of
IT group have not. I subsequently modified one of the forms by adding a
button or what ever. Now, when ever the file is opend in Office 2003
on an XPSP2 box, we get the .dll error.

Somehow, vista .dll is being referenced in the form now. We have since
restored the file from tape and are using it fine. I can open it in Vista
and use the database, I can create and use queries an such, but if I
modify a
form, it gets hosed.

The file had a reference to System Monitor C:\windows\system32\sysmon.ocx

When viewing the references in WinXP the reference is fine, if you view the
references when the file is opened on a Vista box you see "MISSING: System
Monitor" and the path to sysmon.ocx.

Notably, I was unable to remove the reference when the database was opened
on a Vista box and indeed C:\windows\system32\sysmon.ocx is present on the
Vista box. So I removed the reference while running the database from an XP
box. All ‘seems’ to be working fine now. I can only guess that sysmon.ocx
has been sufficiently modified in Vista to the point that XP can not
reference it.

The problem is, I’ve been modifying this database for years; playing with
things, tinkering here and there. Obviously, somewhere along the line I
either added this reference manually, or some control I tried to add, added
it for me.

So, I guess we delete the reference and cross our fingers!

But can someone answer this for me, if the .mdb file holds a reference to a
specific .dll file in a static location like C:\windows\system32\sysmon.ocx,
and the file is opened on a Vista box how would that change what happens when
the file is re-opened later on an XP box? It’s not like the .mdb file has a
copy of sysmon.ocx, it’s only a reference to it. So if you open the file on
Vista, it would point to the “vista version†but if you open it on XP it
would point to the “XP version†So I still don’t get why this happened.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this post!
hyPOTcrisy said:
So, I guess we delete the reference and cross our fingers!

If you remove the reference and the compile the code you will
immediately find out if that OCX is being used anywhere. So crossing
of fingers not required. said:
But can someone answer this for me, if the .mdb file holds a reference to a
specific .dll file in a static location like C:\windows\system32\sysmon.ocx,
and the file is opened on a Vista box how would that change what happens when
the file is re-opened later on an XP box? It’s not like the .mdb file has a
copy of sysmon.ocx, it’s only a reference to it. So if you open the file on
Vista, it would point to the “vista version” but if you open it on XP it
would point to the “XP version” So I still don’t get why this happened.

I do not fully understand references in depth. There is definitely a
lot more going on under-the-hood than what we are aware of and that we
can see. However Vista does do "interesting" things due to it's

The above paragraph is a long winded means of saying I have no idea.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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