Access 2003 Lookup based on Lookup previous field - populate other records on Form



Just know what I want to do - not the QUERY I need to do it or if I can
with my setup:

Table ADDRESSES with basic fields
AddressID Text
Address MEMO
Dear Text
Email Text
Fax Text

Wantt to populate MEMO Address field in Form TEST based on AddressID lookup
field answer in form?

barrister1ID (lookup) choose JONESABC

Address MEMO
Dear Text
Email Text
Fax Text

to populate with a query based on answer in FORM to AddressID. How do I
achieve this if at all?

Desperate here need this to be up and running on Tuesday. If the above makes
sense to the talented Access Database users ANY HELP would be greatly
appreciated. Including a yes you can no you can't.

(e-mail address removed)

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