Access 2003 developer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tal
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It would be great if you can assist me in the following
1)The packaging wiz. in the developer extension, when i
attach a workgourp file, it embeddes it to the
installation, instead of a link (like the previous wiz.)
how can i define it to be linked?
2) i need to set the macro security in access to low. i
was given the registry key, but i can't find it for some
reason when i look up the value "security" under the
access folder in the registry. what are the actions that
needs to be taken to set it up by the packaging wiz?

It would be great if you can assist me in the following
1)The packaging wiz. in the developer extension, when i
attach a workgourp file, it embeddes it to the
installation, instead of a link (like the previous wiz.)
how can i define it to be linked?
2) i need to set the macro security in access to low. i
was given the registry key, but i can't find it for some
reason when i look up the value "security" under the
access folder in the registry. what are the actions that
needs to be taken to set it up by the packaging wiz?


Hi Tal,

I'm not sure I understand question #1, what do you mean when you say you
want to "link" the workgroup file to your installation? I'll take a wild
guess and suggest that you look at the Output Options on the Database to
Package page of the wizard. You have the choice there to put your solution
files into a .cab file and to embed the .cab into the .msi. If you uncheck
the option to embed the .cab file, you should get a .cab file created with
all your solution files. You can also uncheck both boxes to just have the
flat files put in your installation.

Regarding question 2, the short answer is you should never do this. Macro
Security is an Access level setting that affects all instances of Access
for that user, not something that just affects your application. As a
responsible developer, you should not try to manipulate the security
settings on your customers computers; it is the end-users choice (or the
corporation they work for) to set the Macro Security level. In fact,
depending on the configuration of the computer, you may not be able to
modify that setting at all as it can be part of a Group Profile set by the
IT administrator.

There are several ways to mediate the security warning on a users computer:

1) Use a commercial digital certificate to sign your database. This allows
the user to "trust" your signature and they will no longer be prompted when
opening your database.

2) Use a SelfCert create certificate to sign your database and then install
the Public key onto the users computer. This doesn't really provide any
level of trust because anyone can create a SelfCert with your name on it,
but it does allow the user to "trust" the signature thus eliminating the
warning dialog.

3) Launch your application using a VBScript that leverages the
AutomationSecurity property to set Low security for just the Access
instance used to open your application. An example of how to do this is
documented at

Hope this gives you some ideas how to approach this type of deployment.

Mike Wachal
Microsoft Corporation

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