Access 2003 datasheet view scrollbar missing bug?

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here's another one that I believe is also a bug in Access 2003….

Have you every opened a table in datasheet mode, or run a query and view the results, and then the vertical scrollbars disappear? This is a strange one that has happened a few times (inconsistent, not sure the exact steps are to repeat).
But, when I scroll down into the rows, all of a sudden, the vertical scroll bar disappears and is no longer functional. The up arrow and down arrow are there, but the middle scroll box is gone. The width of the scrollbar still exists, but you can not scroll up or down using the scroll box (even clicking in the location of the scroll bar to move up/down does not work.)
I’m still playing with it to try to make it repeat, but it has happened several times when I was switching between excel & access windows.
This could be one of a few bugs.

If you are using Windows XP, try disabling the theme:
1. Right-click the desktop, and choose Properties.
2. On the Themes tab, choose theme:
Windows Classic
3. Restart Access. Does the problem disappear?

If this is happening in a form, try setting the internal margins of the text
box to zero.
1. Open the form in design view.
2. Right-click the text box, and choose Properties.
3. On the Format tab of the properties box, set Left Margin, Right Margin,
Top Margin, and Bottom Margin all to zero.
There is a bug where scrollbars disappear when the internal margins are

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

my_name said:
here's another one that I believe is also a bug in Access 2003..

Have you every opened a table in datasheet mode, or run a query and view
the results, and then the vertical scrollbars disappear? This is a strange
one that has happened a few times (inconsistent, not sure the exact steps
are to repeat).
But, when I scroll down into the rows, all of a sudden, the vertical
scroll bar disappears and is no longer functional. The up arrow and down
arrow are there, but the middle scroll box is gone. The width of the
scrollbar still exists, but you can not scroll up or down using the scroll
box (even clicking in the location of the scroll bar to move up/down does
not work.)
I'm still playing with it to try to make it repeat, but it has happened
several times when I was switching between excel & access windows.