My access 2003 forms have a slightly off-white color on the screen views -
that doesn't matter, BUT WHAT DOES MATTER is that when printed, the off-white
color is also printed which (a) Slows printing down dramatically (b) consumes
a certain amount of ink and (c) output looks silly with a pastel coloured
panel surrounded by a white margin. I want to get rid of this panel color
when the form is printed. I have tried under properties format to change the
background\fill color but it is NOT ACTIVE, it is sort of grayed out and
although the colour code may be changed by doing this the screen does not
respond. Surely I have missed or inadvertently changed a setting but can't
find what it is. Can anyone please help?
that doesn't matter, BUT WHAT DOES MATTER is that when printed, the off-white
color is also printed which (a) Slows printing down dramatically (b) consumes
a certain amount of ink and (c) output looks silly with a pastel coloured
panel surrounded by a white margin. I want to get rid of this panel color
when the form is printed. I have tried under properties format to change the
background\fill color but it is NOT ACTIVE, it is sort of grayed out and
although the colour code may be changed by doing this the screen does not
respond. Surely I have missed or inadvertently changed a setting but can't
find what it is. Can anyone please help?